Sunday, January 25, 2009

310 K Street - Hidden Graffiti

Pictures Taken on 25 January 2009
What is the motivation of graffiti writes, graffiti artist, and street artist? Certainly the motivations must differ amongst these various groups and probably vary greatly amongst individuals within each of these groups. If the motivation is merely communication than a strategy might develop to place graffiti in an area where it will quickly draw attention. But what if the motivation is to delineate boundaries between group or to leave a lasting message a stab at immortality. Then perhaps one would use a strategy of hiding the graffiti so that it would be accessible to the intended audience but, less likely to draw the attention of graffiti control programs. Perhaps this graffiti inside a rubbish receptacle is an example of this strategy.

This example of graffiti was photographed at 310 K Street, San Diego CA 92101.